Sunday 29 November 2009

Progress Patter

It's been a great and very fast year Progress-wise, moving in some new directions, incorporating more social activities and generally getting back in to the swing of things. It's also the time of year where memberships fall due so look out for the renewal notice coming to a letterbox near you. Included will also be an extra membership form,maybe your neighbour would like to join up.

The Progress Association has been working for the betterment of the Coal Point community since 1946, a long a credible history. There is a role for the organisation as long as there is support from the people it represents. The more members we have the stronger the voice.
Sincerest thanks goes out to all for the support throughout the year and the feedback on how the organisation is travelling. The Progress Association wishes all the community a safe and peaceful festive season, full of fond memories and happiness.

The 7th December monthly meeting will commence at 7pm and discuss the Department of Housing Application at Carey Bay, the Toronto town figs, the leash free dog area, funding options for Landcare projects and hall maintenance projects for a Work for the Dole team?sounds like an interesting meeting.

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