Wednesday 7 December 2011

Stinking out the Neighbours -a Squealy Bin Campaign

A relatively common practice in several of our local reserves is for people to place their domestic ‘smelly’ rubbish into the public rubbish bins in reserves. Birriban, Gurranaba and Wippi Reserves seem to a particular favourites.

Whilst this may remove the offensive odours from one person’s place, the combined effort of several rogue rubbishers means that people who live with a wind’s waft of the bins get to experience overwhelming odours for an extended period of time, as the bins in the reserves do not get emptied as regularly as the domestic bins. 

If you see someone dumping rubbish please take their details or a photo and we will lodge an official complaint as we undertake our Squealy Bin campaign. There is a fine that can be issued to illegal dumping of domestic waste in public bins, we are hoping to discourage this practice.

The Progress Association was recently advised that lodging a service request to LMCC will get the bin emptied the next day. To keep everyone happy if you're going to fill the bin you could also make the call to LMCC 4921 0333 and get it emptied.

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