Thursday 5 February 2015

Proposed New Constitution for Coal Point Progress Association

The committee is proposing to replace our current Rules with a new Constitution.  We plan to put this as a Special Resolution at the upcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 13th April.  Full details of what is proposed, and why, are being emailed to all members (if we have an email address) and are available to all other members (or anyone else) on request.  Members can request an email or a hard copy.  Others will be by email-only.  Please pass requests to any of the committee or by email to
The main reasons for the proposed change are
  • The laws governing Associations changed a few years ago and we'd like to our constitution get more aligned with these changes
  • We lost our status as a Registered Charity many years ago and would like to get it back
  • We'd like to broaden our area of interest to include not just Coal Point but also the surrounding areas
  • All members are strongly encouraged to get involved, by reading the proposal and giving any feedback and ideally by coming to the AGM to discuss and vote on it.

Proposed changes to the Objectives of the Association
The original objectives of the Progress Association reflect the times in which the Association was established they are
  • To provide means whereby residents and ratepayers of the Coal Point Area may individually and collectively interest themselves in, and work for all matters concerning the benefit of the community in general and of the Coal Point Area in particular; (The Coal Point Area shall comprise all properties facing Ambrose Street; Excelsior Parade from the road junction with Ambrose Street south to Laycock Street; all properties facing Laycock Street to the Kilaben Bay waterfront; and all the Coal Point peninsular to the south thereof).
  • To acquire and maintain such property as will enable the Association to carry out its purpose most efficiently;
  • To raise and maintain the standard of development within its area;
  • To seek an equitable expenditure of Council and Water Board revenue and loan funds;
  • To raise money for charity; and
  • To do all such other things as are conducive or incidental to the attainment of the above objects or any of them.

The current Committee is proposing the following objectives that are felt to embrace the intention of the founding members but reflect the current and hopefully future aspirations of the community. The redefining of the objectives is also aimed at supporting the Association’s case for seeking Charitable status.
The proposed new objectives of the Association are:
  • To enhance the natural environment of the Coal Point peninsula and surrounding areas by protecting, preserving and regenerating indigenous flora and habitat for fauna.
  • To advance social welfare, community spirit and sustainability in the Coal Point and surrounding area through community education and engagement.
  • To acquire and maintain such property as will enable the Association to carry out its objectives most efficiently.
  • To do all such other things as are conducive or incidental to the attainment of any of the above objectives. 

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