Thursday 12 November 2015


Over the next 12 months the Toronto Area Sustainable Neighbourhood Group (TASNG), in conjunction with Toronto Tidy Towns and Toronto Workers Club, will be running a campaign to address fast-food rubbish littering public roads and areas around Toronto and its impact of the lake environment. There is provisional approval for the campaign from all the fast-food operators in Toronto-McDonalds, Henny Penny, Dominos, Subway and Pizza Hut.
A sign for the times
TASNG is calling on artistic Toronto High School students to design a sign for the Tossers Can Be Binners campaign. The aim is to raise awareness of the impact of fast-food rubbish in the Toronto area.
TASNG will offer two $50 shopping vouchers to the best designed signs to be used as part of our fast-food litter campaign which will be launched at Clean-up Australia Day, March 6, 2016, at Toronto McDonalds.
 The signs need to have a slogan like “Don’t be a Tosser” or “Tossers can be Binners”. They will be converted into metal signs with an anti-graffiti coating and mounted at the various fast-food restaurants or nearby metal bins around Toronto.

For more information contact Steve Dewar at

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