Wednesday 20 July 2016

Surveying our avian amigos

The local seasonal bird survey is planned for Monday 25th July, under the supervision of avian authority- Tom Clarke. We’ll be meeting at 6:45am near the Scout Hall. If you’re interested to tag along for some or all of the survey there are a few places available.

The local bird surveys are painting are rather interesting picture of the birds that visit our area and will help to better understand the effects of the landcaring activities on the local wildlife.

If you can’t make the survey don’t worry, in August there is the opportunity to participate in The Australian Bird Feeding and Watering Study from your very own home. The citizen science study is investigating the interactions people have with birds in their own backyards because this can have a huge impact on bird diversity and abundance. Many people provide food and water for our avian amigos but it is unknown what these acts of kindness do to the bird ecology and diversity.

The Australian Bird Feeding and Watering Study aims to gather quantitative data on the effects of supplementary feeding and providing water for birds and the reasons why people provided food and/or water. In doing so they aim to develop guidelines for people who feed birds to do so with minimum risk to birds.

If you provide food or water for birds and would like to take part in this exciting study, Sign up today! 

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