Tuesday 4 October 2016

DA of the DAy

Is this the future of the Jarrett to Ambrose Street area?

22 Brighton Avenue- DA 1543/2013.

A DA that was granted approval in 2013 has been resubmitted with an increase in villa density from 9 to 10 units.

Whilst it may seem like a ‘small’ adjustment it epitomizes the development attitude that every skerrick of land must be consumed by hard surfaces and height maximized to accommodate the new view.

Double-storey dwellings impact on privacy, amenity, view corridors and vegetation cover. Increased density means increased overland water flow, increased run-off rates into the lake and more vehicle movements on and off the site.

This development along with the adjacent 27 units at 151 Excelsior Parade side will be the first of the ‘Up & Overs’ spanning Brighton Avenue to Excelsior Parade.

Development enthusiasm to maximize profit margins at the expense of community aesthetic and long-term resident’s lifestyle is a poor precedent for increasing urban density.

Please make a submission on DA 1543/2013 to LMCC on the impact of the increased density of this development in this area.

The notification period is currently 6/10/16. The CPPA is requesting an extension for the community to comment and there is a draft letter available here on the CPPA website.

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