The local Sustainable Neighbourhood group has been super busy applying for funding to undertake a plethora of local projects.
The Landcare Working Group got a grant to construct a Fire Retardant demonstration native garden at the Toronto Fire Station providing a growing example of plants that will act as ember curtains and enhance the bushland setting whilst minimising the flammability of the flora.
The project will focus on “Be Ready, Be Safe” with the garden being a model in fire hazard reduction and bushfire management around the Fire Station. It will provide a visual and practical demonstration and education opportunity for the whole community.
The Waste group has developed a funding application with Toronto Tidy Towns to reduce local litter around Woolworths, Aldi’s and Lake Macquarie City Council multi-level carpark.
The Tossers can be Binners Project evolved from multiple observations of the type, quantity and spread of litter in the area. A subsequent survey found that litter accumulates on the pavements and in gardens prior to the entry of the two supermarkets and in the multiple exits of the carpark.
It is hoped that funding will be gained for additional bins to be installed at strategic locations. Additionally a publicity campaign with the slogan “Tossers can be Binners” is planned. If successful this would make a significant difference to the cleanliness of the area and create a shopping precinct that is valued by the community.
The Sustainable Neighbourhood group is looking for members who would like to make a difference in the community. If you have a pet project you would like to pursue come along and see how it may fit in to the local action plan. Current working groups include Waste, Footpaths & Cycleways, Landcare and Community Garden.
The annual election of office bearers will be happening in the next few months so it’s a great time to get involved.
The coordinating committee meets monthly at Progress Hall on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. The Next meeting will be 10th July 5-6.30pm