Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Discuss, Decide & Do

A major development at 20 Laycock Street has been lodged with Council and comments are due this Friday 13/9/13. Adjacent neighbours have been notified but not the rest of the local community. An opportunity to share information is being organised to;

Discuss the development and its features.
20 Laycock Street CAREY BAY Description: 26 Multiple Dwellings
Status: On Notification/Advertising

Decide on what you think is OK or could be done better
Do a letter and post it off or email to

When:    5-6.30pm Thursday 12/9/13
Where:  Carpark in front of Hype fitness, Carey Bay Shopping Village
Who:     Anyone who is interested about the effects of the development
BYO:      Chair to sit on, pen, paper, envelope and stamp
More information?   
Contact Suzanne Pritchard

The development can be viewed online at

The Coal Point Progress Association and Toronto Area Sustainable Neighbourhood Group have both been notified.