On Monday 26 August, Lake Macquarie City Councillors will be asked to endorse an extended planning precinct on the Toronto Foreshore, to assist the safe passage of the 6-storey Bath St development proposal.
Councillors are being asked to endorse an extended Foreshore precinct that includes the 6-storey tower on Bath St/Victory Row, Arnott and Bay St residences and the Royal Motor Yacht Club. Areas not previously considered as part of the Toronto Foreshore project.
The reason for the precinct proposal is that “Feedback from the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) indicates it is not likely to support a proposal to amend LEP 2014 controls only for Council’s land at 4 Bath Street and 1B Victory Row.”
Lake Macquarie City Council by over-riding its own master planning and community consultation processes are shifting the goal posts and proposing to change their own planning rules to get a favourable commercial outcome, setting a poor precedent for planning, governance and trust.
Included in this proposal is also rezoning multiple foreshore parcels of ‘operational land’, that the community always believed to be ‘community land’. This is a positive aspect of the proposal. Unfortunately it is an all or nothing option that is being put forward.
With only 2 options being presented to Councillors it opens a window of opportunity for them to reconsider the 6-storey Bath St tower by reflecting on the community’s need for more open space.
It is a chance for Councillors to acknowledge the outpouring of opposition to commercialisation of the foreshore and respect the feedback to date such as the 450-person public meeting, a 5200-signature petition and repeated representations.
If councillors choose to not proceed with the LEP precinct planning proposal Council would have to abide by its current planning instruments that have been designed to guide the growth of Toronto in an integrated and strategic manner.
The Toronto Foreshore Protection Group calls upon Councillors to act in good faith and respect its own planning processes by rejecting this premature and ill-considered proposal to amend the LEP and provide the Toronto community with the much-needed foreshore parkland for our growing population.
We are urging the community to attend Monday’s Council meeting 26/8/19 at 6:30pm
This is the agenda item being discussed
Here is a recent media release outlining some of the issues
Contact your Councillors today,
tomorrow, the next day and the day after that !
Mayor Kay Fraser (ALP)
ph 4921 0223 kfraser@lakemac.nsw.gov.au
Clr Wendy Harrison (IND)
M: 0409 775 432 wharrison@lakemac.nsw.gov.au
Clr Jason Pauling (LIB)
M: 0417 416 577 jpauling@lakemac.nsw.gov.au
Clr David Belcher (ALP)
M: 0429 914 623 dbelcher@lakemac.nsw.gov.au
Clr Luke Cubis (LMIND) Deputy mayor
M: 0429 939 475 lcubis@lakemac.nsw.gov.au
Clr Brian Adamthwaite (ALP)
M: 0417 061 433 badamthwaite@lakemac.nsw.gov.au
Clr Kevin Baker (Lib)
M: 0429 867 935 kbaker@lakemac.nsw.gov.au
Clr Barney Langford (ALP)
M: 0417 137 758 blangford@lakemac.nsw.gov.au
Clr Colin Grigg (LMIND)
M: 0429 908 747 cgrigg@lakemac.nsw.gov.au
Clr Adam Shultz (ALP)
M: 0429 931 044 ashultz@lakemac.nsw.gov.au
Clr Nick Jones (LIB)
M: 0429 889 781 njones@lakemac.nsw.gov.au
Clr Christine Buckley (ALP)
M: 0428 546 549 cbuckley@lakemac.nsw.gov.au
Clr John Gilbert (LMIND)
M: 0429 945 243 jgilbert@lakemac.nsw.gov.au