The Toronto Foreshore Protection Group (TFPG) has resumed regular meetings to continue to advocate for prompt resolution of the council determination of 23/9/19, almost 5 months ago, in which works on the multi-storey development proposal on Bath Street were deferred and processes set in motion to reclassify Operational land to Community land, to include the Bath St site in the Foreshore Masterplan and further engage with the community.
Council released a community update in January which identifies some actions being completed, work pertaining to the DA has been deferred, the Bath St site is now included in the Foreshore Master planning process however further actions to secure the site as part of the Foreshore park are dependent on “the results of the sustainability review so they can inform the master planning process”.
Council FAQ’s still states “The concept proposal for the Bath Street site is for a medium-density development including a mix of residential, tourist and commercial space…Council has approved the development of a concept design for the Bath Street site. The community will have further opportunity to provide feedback on this proposal once the project reaches the Development Application stage. The project will be determined independently of Council by the Regional Planning Panel…Council’s Long Term Financial Plan proposes $22M in 2022-2023 for the projected construction cost of a proposed mixed-use development at 4 Bath Street and 1B Victory Row, Toronto.”
When the initial decision (23/4/18) to develop the Bath St site was made work progressed with extreme haste, the surveyors were out the next day, communication was swift and plentiful. By comparison it now appears that stalling tactics are in place and the lack of genuine community consultation does little to allay the unease.
Council released a community update in January which identifies some actions being completed, work pertaining to the DA has been deferred, the Bath St site is now included in the Foreshore Master planning process however further actions to secure the site as part of the Foreshore park are dependent on “the results of the sustainability review so they can inform the master planning process”.
Council FAQ’s still states “The concept proposal for the Bath Street site is for a medium-density development including a mix of residential, tourist and commercial space…Council has approved the development of a concept design for the Bath Street site. The community will have further opportunity to provide feedback on this proposal once the project reaches the Development Application stage. The project will be determined independently of Council by the Regional Planning Panel…Council’s Long Term Financial Plan proposes $22M in 2022-2023 for the projected construction cost of a proposed mixed-use development at 4 Bath Street and 1B Victory Row, Toronto.”
When the initial decision (23/4/18) to develop the Bath St site was made work progressed with extreme haste, the surveyors were out the next day, communication was swift and plentiful. By comparison it now appears that stalling tactics are in place and the lack of genuine community consultation does little to allay the unease.
While Council’s FAQs have not been updated at all, community cynicism about council’s intent remains high. Are there facts missing in the FAQs?