Sunday 7 March 2010

BAM Update

At a recent committee meeting Paul Moors from Blackalls Against the Mine (BAM) popped by to say a few words about Centennial’s Olstan project.

Whilst the mine did not go ahead, there were three different reasons given for the decision. Centennial said it was uneconomical , State MP/Mayor Piper said it was lobbying, State MP Jody Mackay said the Planning Instrument was upheld and determined it to be a prohibited application.

Paul raised the following:
The Olstan project has now been exposed as a prohibited mine, so it seems fair to ask why were the community, the LMCC (ratepayers) and the State Government (tax payers) made to bear the unnecessary cost, effort and stress imposed by Olstan?

Centennial must release all technical studies it promised throughout the Olstan episode so that the unbelievable
statements it made can be compared to the scientific information available.  Centennial has refused to provide these studies stating that their promises to release these studies are null and void now that they have withdrawn the Olstan project.

The community has a right, and an obligation to examine these studies to determine if Centennial’s statements have the same fatal flaws as its Olstan proposal.  Unless the community can verify that these studies support Centennial’s statements then every Centennial statement and future project must be treated as spurious and opposed by the community.  Unless this matter of credibility is cleared up, Centennial has poisoned the well for itself and other miners when it comes to trustworthiness.

I encourage you and your members to raise any questions about Centennials operations to Newstan 1800 247 662, Awaba 4959 3420 or through email . Don’t forget to keep a record of your complaint for future reference.

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