Sunday 26 February 2012

Weed of the Month

Asparagus fern is everywhere around Coal Point and Carey Bay, including the wetlands, reserves and people’s yards. This weed is still being sold and cultivated, as it can look very attractive with its bright red berries and ferny leaves.

This prolific seeder is transported far and wide by birds, the red berries are a real treat and with the local abundance it is probably a very valuable local food source for the local wildlife.

Unfortunately this weed is such a hardy survivor that it can out compete most natives, forming a carpet of green, like in the Stansfield Close reserves.

Asparagus fern is easy to remove, for large plants you just need to crown out the top like coring an apple, the watery bulbs on the roots are only water storage and they don’t grow into new plants, the seeds take care of that. The young seedlings, once you get your eye in, are very easy to remove by hand pulling.

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