Wednesday 20 July 2016

Shape Your Future

LMCC is asking the rate payers what do we want our City to be like by 2050 so they can prepare a new vision and a set of values that will guide the look, feel and function of the City. The following is abridged from the Shape Your Future website

The website provides options to

  • Discuss the questions
    • What do you like about living in Lake Mac?
    • What would make Lake Mac City better in the future?
  • Lodge your ideas around the themes of Getting around, Your Life & Community, How and Where we Live, The Natural Environment, Recreation and Culture and Economy and Jobs and
  • Think about the background information that is motivating the need to review the City’s vision. Over the next few decades that population is increasing and ageing and we love our cars.

There are more of us

Lake Macquarie’s current population of 204,000 will continue to grow to an estimated 253,000 by 2050. We are part of the 2nd largest urban area in NSW and the 7th largest in Australia. Our existing settlement pattern is dispersed around the Lake, which poses challenges for the efficient provision of infrastructure, services, facilities and transport.

How do we best respond to these changes and continue to enjoy a quality lifestyle?

We are getting older

Lake Macquarie’s population is significantly older than the state average, with 25 per cent of residents aged 60 or over (compared to 20 per cent for NSW). Lake Macquarie has appeal as a retirement destination due to its coast and lake and proximity to Sydney and Newcastle. This aging trend is set to continue and is resulting in significant investment in medium density and seniors housing developments. This trend is also impacting on our community, the type of services and facilities provided, jobs and how we move around.

Across Australia, the ageing population is leading to greater workforce participation by over 65s and a growing demand for access to leisure opportunities. The ageing population is accompanied by an increase in lifestyle-related diseases, putting strain on health services. There is also a growing trend for older people to remain in their house longer. This requires careful design and built environments that cater to less mobile people.

How do we best respond to these changes and continue to enjoy a quality lifestyle?

How we move

In the Lake Macquarie LGA, 90% of trips are by car.
With a growing population, the number of vehicles on the road is increasing. In 2013, there were 13,000 more vehicles on Lake Macquarie roads than there were in 2009.
When we look at why we move, going to and from work is 2nd on the list. Most of our trips are for recreational pursuits and social interaction.
Interestingly, recent survey work has shown that 26% of trips to our town centres are by walking, cycling and public transport.

What will help you move around the City more easily?

There will be a pop-up stall at the Toronto Foreshore on August 15th to share your views and ideas.

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