A summary of Year 5
The progress to date continues to be exciting and rewarding with 2,539 landcare hours contributed in Year 5 continuing to move on ground outcomes in a positive recovery trajectory on all of the reserves. The expanding local landcare team continues to meet each Thursday morning for 5hr with several individuals putting in additional hours, especially at the Carey Bay Wetlands.The hazard reduction burn at Stansfield Reserve has added an extra dimension to the project that manual weeding could not provide. The regeneration of the reserve after the burn has been inspiring to explore and monitor and has provided a unique insight into the floristic composition, the resilience of the seedbank and the weed responses. It is proving to be a great educational asset for the impacts of garden escapes.
The monitoring of fauna and flora continues to reap new information. Several new species of birds have been spotted, the presence of Sugar Gliders along with the Squirrel Gliders confirmed on the West Ridge, another Powerful Owl fledged and the annual flora survey has added 22 new species to the list, with the Stansfield list having 59 new species identified in the three quadrats.
Year 5 saw 3 powerpoint presentations delivered, 3 site tours of Stansfield Reserve, 2 TAFE field days and 2 workshops sessions provided to local and regional groups on the project activities.
Regular communication with the community saw 9 editions of the Chronicle produced and letterboxed. An increased use of social media, facebook and mailchimp, saw the facebook following double. The production of the verge and bank-planting guide to encourage and simplify selection and use of local native plants is available on the website.