Tuesday, 12 September 2017

The Science of Success

The Science of Sustainability was comprehensively shared during August with an estimate of 656 visitors exploring Questacon’s hands on exhibits, the Fur & Feather exhibit and Scinema short films at Progress Hall. The Fern & The Burn observation trail was walked by 525 people and provided insights to the impact of fire on native vegetation, how garden escapes, especially Asparagus fern, can transform the landscape and also the ethics around biking in the bush.

Over the week 448 students and teachers attended. The local schools included Coal Point, Teralba, Awaba, Birriban, St Josephs and St John Vianney. Several groups from The Hunter Home Schoolers & Educators also visited. On the weekends 208 visitors were received.

The feedback was overwhelmingly positive.

“Exceptional, Really great afternoon, can’t do that sort of science in a classroom” “We go for a walk all the time and never look up, a great investigation”

“We all had a wonderful time. The science presentation was awesome and the kids loved the interactive displays and the observational trail walk. It was a truly educational, fun and amazing experience for children and parents alike”

The event was made possible by $8650 of community sponsorship and $18,566 of inkind contributions in the form of printing by Toronto First National and 510 hours of volunteer time by 18 amazing volunteers.

Will there be another science week event? Possibly but not for a few years.

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