It’s been five months since the last Chronicle, the largest hiatus in the 29-year record of almost monthly production by this editor, and quite a bit has happened during the break.
Annual General Meetings were held by both Coal Point Progress Association (CPPA) and Toronto Area Sustainable Neighbourhood Group (TASNG), returning largely unchanged committees to continue undertaking community projects within the greater Toronto area.
The Progress Hall kitchen renovation has been moving ahead at a pace dictated by availability and capacity of trades. The kitchen has arrived and is awaiting installation until the walls get gyprocked and painted and the uneven floor levelled and resurfaced.
I am once again thankful for the support and trust the CPPA Committee has shown in endorsing my long-term residency in presidency of the CPPA. I’ve been very fortunate indeed to have found a community cause that allows me to fulfil my “Why’, acting locally while thinking globally, being a part of a group which is endeavouring to protect what’s left of our beautiful and biodiverse bushland, and attempting to prevent the local extinction of threatened and familiar species, whilst supporting the community in their capacity to care for the bush and each other, by living smart and sustainably.
Thirty years ago, climate change was ‘global warming’ and the impacts were unknown. Now we live with extreme weather events that are both visible and visceral. We are now also having to address another equally challenging existential threat, the loss of biodiversity. I believe that the CPPA, alongside TASNG, can support the community to navigate the changes needed so that our community and the local biodiversity can survive and thrive into the future.
If you’re new to the area, a big welcome, and if you’re wondering what this yellow paper in your letterbox is, a visit to the website will provide some historical context. There’s a little bit of recent CPPA and TASNG history over the page to save the searching.
Congratulation to our newly elected councillors.
CPPA AGM outcomes
The CPPA AGM was held on 30/6/24 and the Committee was returned with the exception of Tony Dynon who retired from the CPPA committee.
It is with heartfelt thanks that Tony’s contribution is acknowledged and his support for the community through the CPPA recognised.
Tony has been an amazing contributor to the CPPA for 24 years. He was Treasurer 2001-2005, and 2009, Vice President 2006-2008, and an active committee member since 2011, taking on the newsletter coordination from 2018-2022.
Tony has a voice of calm reason with a problem-solving mind, a willingness to be where he was needed and do what he could do, and always supportive of community projects.
The CPPA thanks Tony for being at the meetings, the working bees, the art shows, the trash n treasures, all the social events and for keeping the books balanced, the newsletters delivered and the fire safety checks delivered on time.
Petition- pedestrian
Local resident Matt Hutchinson has started a petition “Implement Footpaths in Coal Point, Carey Bay, and Kilaben Bay for Safer Commuting”The request is simple - we need footpaths. They are not just a convenience but a necessity for safety, accessibility and promoting a healthy lifestyle within our community.
Walkers – ½ to ¾ Hr a month
Do you like to walk around the neighbourhood? Got a pet pooch that likes to take you for a walk?Do you have 30-45 minutes once a month or so to help letterbox ‘The yellow Chronicle’ locally?
The CPPA needs a few community-minded people to assist in distributing our wholly & solely locally produced, non-chatGPT written Chronicle.
A few of our very regular, long-time walkers have retired, we need a few extra walkers to help share the load from those that do multiple routes, and we need some standbys when folks go on holidays.
If you have the capacity and inclination Nico would enjoy talking with you about which areas need assistance. Nico, 0418 967 158
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