Tuesday, 11 March 2025


The Toronto Area Sustainable Neighbourhood Group (TASNG) has been shortlisted for a LakeMac Award for Environmental Leadership. This nomination recognises TASNG’s ongoing efforts to rehabilitate the wetlands under the Fennel Bay bridge every 2nd Wednesday, their commitment to reducing graffiti, with the group currently pursuing a grant for a mural along the passageway to Aldi as the next phase of the anti-graffiti campaign. 
TASNG has a long history of supporting Cleanup Australia Day and campaigning for recycling bins at fast food restaurants. 
TASNG is planning a meeting with the new Mayor to push for more accessible recycling (e.g. soft plastics, fabrics, e-waste, cardboard and polystyrene, and even toys among other products) in most suburbs, with the aim to reduce waste and lower our emissions.
TASNG continues with its education campaign to the public about the Circular Economy and Recycling, working with police, Council and businesses to try to keep Toronto clean, graffiti free and safe, landcaring near the Fennell Bay bridge (Crocodile Point) and advocating for better cycling and pedestrian infrastructure.
We are always keen to have new members and friends. Annual membership is only $5, donations are always welcome.
We also support access to the Chronicle by extending its distribution to Kilaben Bay and Toronto. Contact Nico (Secretary) for membership forms, torontoareasng@gmail.com and bank account details are;
Toronto Area Sustainable Neighbourhood Group, BSB 650 000, A/c no: 505782001. 

TASNG have a landcare site Crocodile Point (TASNG)

The group meets on 1st and 3rd Wed of the month

8:30 - 10am meet under the Fennel Bay Bridge.

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