Monday, 28 January 2013

Diary Dates

TIN Bush regenerators at Carey Bay Wetlands

Local Landcaring every Thursday around Coal Point

February: Carey Bay Wetlands

  • Thursday 7/2/13 - with Green Team.

  • Saturday 23/2/13- with bush regenerators from Trees In Newcastle.
  • March: Burnage Reserve
Ring Robyn for details : 4959 1507

Annual General Meeting of  Progress Association: 

Monday 11/3/12 @ Progress Hall 4-6pm & Committee Meeting

Lake Mac Workshops at the Landcare Resource Centre, Five Islands Rd:

  • Preserving Workshop 

    Saturday 9/2/13 :10am-1pm 

  • Composting Workshop
 Saturday 23/3/13 :10-11.30am.  Learn how to compost and use this valuable resource in your own backyard
  • Make your own backyard habitat workshop 

    Saturday 20/4/13 : 1-3pm. Frog ponds, possum boxes and a whole lot more.

Toronto Area Sustainable Neighbourhood Group (TASNG)

The first meeting for the year of the TASNG is set for Wednesday 13 February at 5pm at the Progress Hall. We will be reviewing plans for the year. Each Working Group Team Leader will present a short report. All welcome.

Growers and knitters unite! 16 people turned up to The Boulevarde Community Garden harvest and the knitting session on 19/1/13. A testament to the value of good company, conversation, a bit of food, a common interest and an opportunity to share it all with others. 

The next meeting of the Community Gardeners is 2/2/13 at 10am. It is an informal meeting to discuss planting, harvesting and on-going projects of the community garden at the Toronto Senior Citizens Hall.

Social Media 
for Social Good

Social media provides opportunities for sharing information and collaboration. 

The Progress Association is now venturing forth onto Facebook and in the near future Google +.

There is a lot of information that gets requested to be shared and with the paper Chronicle limited in size, social media provides for a way to share more, more often and support follow up actions.

The Coal Point Progress Association’s Facebook page is up and has information on these topics there
  • Early Warning Network
  • Eraring Energy’s Sustainability Report
  • Better Planning Network
  • Impacts of coal on community health
  • Powerful Owl Project
  • Backyard habitat for wildlife program
  • LMCC’s upcoming workshops

Safe Walking around the Coal Point peninsula.

Last October Peter & Julie Bousles from Toronto Dry Cleaners donated some high visibility vests for local enthusiastic walkers who responded to the question where are the most dangerous walking spots on the Coal Point peninsula?

The feedback was very useful and identified the following areas of pedestrian safety concern

  • The roadsides from 190 SPR where the new retaining wall has been built down to Rofe St got a few mentions as ‘grossly unsafe’
  • The gravel bends on Amelia St between the Quarterdeck and Exeter St where the verge is overgrown and disappears was described as ‘by far the most dangerous’
  • The corners around Coal Point Rd between 75 and 119, roughly Killara Cl to half way down the hill had poor visibility and narrow verges.
  • The corner of SPR and CPR around to Gurranba Reserve also go a mention
One respondent provided some good advice gleaned from Primary school: to walk on the right side of the road facing oncoming traffic so you can see vehicles approaching. If walkers walk on the same side as the traffic they run the risk of being hit from behind. This risk is the greatest when vehicles meet where you are walking.

Hi vis vest have been distributed and will also be worn by Chronicle deliverers to support pedestrian safety. Thankyou to Toronto Dry Cleaners for supporting community safety.

Early Warning Network

The Australian Early Warning Network (EWN) provides a free and entirely unique warning service covering everything from tsunami through to severe weather.
The system they use to notify is accurate to within three meters. It instantly and simultaneously broadcasts alerts and notifications to just those threatened by a particular event over multiple communication mediums. You can elect to receive alerts via SMS, phone, email and desktopALERT™.

Better Planning Network

The Progress Association recently joined the Better Planning Network,a network of 200 state-wide local communities, organisations and individuals striving to achieve a better planning system for NSW. The Better Planning Network is not affiliated with any political party and recognises that:
  1. Community engagement in decision-making is essential at every stage of the planning and development process.
  2. Protecting our natural and cultural heritage is fundamental to the wellbeing of our communities.
  3. Development must put local residents and communities first.
  4. Strategic planning must be evidence-based.
  5. Development must comply with strategic planning instruments.
  6. Infrastructure goes hand in hand with development.
BPN’s contact email is They are on Facebook too


Suggestions on how to be involved include: 

  • Organise a meeting of your group membership to discuss the NSW Planning Review (make sure you give attendees a list of how they can voice their concerns or have laptops available at the meeting so people can email letters straight away)
  • Forward BPN emails (particularly BPN calls to action) widely- to your group membership, as well as to your community networks- family, colleagues, friends, neighbours etc. Email the Premier
  • Talk to your family, friends and neighbours about what is happening and ask them if they can send a letter to their MP or to the Minister for Planning (there is a template on our website - )
  • ‘Like’ us on Facebook and ‘share’ our posts with your friends ( )
  • ‘Follow’ us on Twitter and ‘retweet’ our posts where appropriate ( @BettPlanNetwork )
  • Email our YouTube video to your group membership and community networks:
  • Encourage others to join the BPN email database by contacting us at
  • Liaise with your local media and keep trying to get the NSW Planning Review into the news

Home Robbery

For one local the New Year started with a stark reminder that walking your dog can be an expensive exercise.

Whilst out walking the pooch and as the rest of the family slept, a robber took advantage of an unlocked back door on the verandah, scaling a padlocked gate to do so, and helped themselves to computer, back-up hard drive, accessories, software, 2 wallets and a handbag. Whilst the handbag was located and returned 3 weeks later having been found in Morisset bushland, the loss of the computer with company records has been irreplaceable.

A common local response has been ‘we always leave a door unlocked when we go for a walk". Don't risk it. Lock your doors. Evidently it is not uncommon to be robbed whilst walking the dog - no dog, no barking! The lesson learnt …Get an extra key cut and clip it on your doggy bag, then lock all doors and windows before leaving the house!

Thanks for the flowers 
for a furry family!

Ringtail babies and mum
Thank You to all the caring people in the Coal Point/Carey Bay/Toronto community who allowed me to cut their native flowers everyday to feed Lilly - this is the result of your generosity! 

Two cute babies entered the world on Christmas Eve, named Jingle & Bells. The ringtail family was successfully released mid January with the option of a safe residence if desired.

Threatened Species Last Stand (TSLS) Update

The Threatened Species Last Stand (TSLS) on the Coal Point peninsula project was officially launched in November.

To celebrate a brochure was produced with funds from LMCC’s Environmental Education Grants program providing information about the local community, including the flora, fauna, reserves, walkways and how to get involved. 

Brochures were delivered with the February edition of the Chronicle. Class sets have been provided to local schools. If you know of a Bed & Breakfast that could benefit from a few copies please contact the CPPA.

Where is the good growth?

As part of the TSLS project a ground-truthing survey will be conducted on Saturday 9th February to locate critical habitat features and corridor connections needed to support the vulnerable wildlife in our community. 

There will also be some spotlighting happening along the West Ridge, Stansfield Reserves and Threlkeld Reserve to get an idea of numbers of nocturnal animals along the peninsula.

Worried about possums in your roof?

Supporting the local Powerful Owl population is one way to keep possum numbers down. 
Powerful Owl
These large dark grey-brown owls are and few and far between. They mate for life, live for over 30 years, are in need of some good old growth trees for nesting and their preferred food is a night.

You can help provide local data on these big birds by joining in The Powerful Owl survey-

Wetland Wonderland Weeded

Three Endangered Ecological Communities at the Carey Bay Wetlands have received much-needed respite from weed invasion to celebrate World Wetlands Day 2013.

We’ll be continuing the celebration throughout February with landcaring at Carey Bay Wetlands happening every Thursday and on Saturday 23rd February 10am-1pm. 

We’re thrilled that the Wetlands have been the first site for bush regeneration work to commence under the Trust funded TSLS project

A dozen bush regenerators and landcarers over two days have already tackled some of the Privet, Lantana and Asparagus Fern whose seeds are often spread by birds. They also took on the garden escapes Buffalo grass and Morning Glory, which found their way in through dumped garden waste. 

The Trumpet Creeper, Campsis, was given special attention. It is the biggest threat to this Wetland, just when we think it’s gone it comes back even more than before. We’re hoping that by having professional bush regenerators to deal with it we can get rid of it once and for all.

Before the wetland weeding started the plants were surveyed so that the weeds could be targeted and their density diminished. 

We also surveyed the site for birds and found out that of all the bushland along the Coal Point peninsula the Carey Bay Wetlands has the greatest bird diversity, with 22 species being recorded, a third more than any other location along the peninsula.

What was even more special was that a Satin Bowerbird, with the an abundance of blue bits calls the Wetlands home and Yellow Thornbill was sighted in the area that has benefitted from 6 years of community plantings.

If you’d like to learn about the Wetlands, capture the beauty by camera and see various weed treatments demonstrated, the Saturday session on 23/2/13 will have professional bush regenerators on hand and morning tea provided.

Landcare Report

For most Thursdays of December and January we’ve had the pleasure of working on the “point” at Gurranba Reserve where breezes from all directions and some shade make it bearable/enjoyable in most weathers. 

We’ve been chasing Mother of Millions mostly, which enjoyed the rain as much as we did and responded quickly. Regrowth of African Olive, Asparagus Fern and Mickey Mouse Bush gave us variety along with some watering of the most precious of the last plantings.

The landcare crew would also like to thank a neighbour to Burnage Reserve who offered, then moved to a convenient place, 29 barrow loads of pure native mulch from a fallen Eucalypt. It goes especially well on top of the “black” aged mulch we use to help make soil more native plant friendly. The newer denser mulch allows water to penetrate, collect and be retained keeping the plants cool and damp. 

Landcaring locally happens every Thursday with a focus reserve for each month. February sees the Carey Bay Wetlands get some attention; Burnage Reserve is the focus in March.
Generally the 1st Thursday of the month sees the Lake Macquarie Landcare Green Team (GT) give additional support. 

Hope to see you around: Robyn Gill for Judy, Lois, Dianne and ??? (places for partners in this interesting enterprise).

Landcare dates

The Landcare program for 2013 is outlined below with the dates being for the Green Team days.

Carey Bay 7/2/13
Burnage Reserve 7/3/13
Gurranba Reserve 4/4/13
West Ridge Reserves 2/5/13
Laycock St South 6/6/13
Stansfield Reserve 4/7/13
July 28th 
National Tree Day- Carey Bay Wetlands
Burnage Reserve 8/8/13
Gurranba  Reserve 5/9/13
West Ridge Reserves 3/10/13
Yural/Ambrose St Reserves 7/11/13
 Carey Bay Wetlands 12/12/13
February 2014 
Carey Bay Wetlands  6/2/14

A Lament 
by Lois Simpson

As summer ended and the blossoms fell,
And our favourite blooms went to seed as well,
 Into the bush the heads I brought.
I put them there without a thought
For old mum nature and her kin,
I didn't think it was a sin.
From ordered gardens they've been freed,
But in her backyard they're just a weed.
They'll grow up strong and smother the rest
So there's no place for the blue wren's nest.
 I could have mulched them to rot away
And use on my garden some other day.

Or if only the council would give me a bin!
Then I'd have something to throw it all in.

Committee meeting welcome and reminders

The Progress Year is moving along at a well planned pace hoping to encourage and engage all and sundry in some local life and activities that you don’t have to go too far to enjoy.

The Committee has met for the 1st time this year and in an effort to provide timely information has moved the monthly committee meetings to the 2nd Monday of the month 4-6pm. 

Meeting dates for the year are 
  • 11/3/13   March & AGM 
  • 8/4/13    April 
  • 13/5/13  May
  • No June Meeting
  • 8/7/13    July
  • 12/8/13   August
  • 9/9/13    September
  • 14/10/13 October
  • 10/11/13 November
  • 9/12/13 December

Membership reminder

It’s that time of the year when the Progress Association membership renewal reminders get buried under the unsorted summer mail. When you stumble across it can you please get it back to the Treasurer so we get our memberships up to date before the Annual General meeting on March 11.

If you have always wanted to join the Progress Association or are new to the area and want to throw your hat in to the ring of community support that emanates from Progress Hall we’d love to have you join up. Please contact John on 49591507 for more info and a membership form. 

Memberships are very reasonably priced at $6/yr for an individual and $10/household.

Request for more Chronicle distributors

Would you like to walk with a purpose once a month? 

We’re looking for a few energetic folk to assist in delivering the Chronicle. It would involve folding and letterboxing 50-100 newsletters in an area around where you live. Please contact Barbara on 4959 1259 if you’re interested.

Art & Craft Show thanks

The Art & Craft Show held in November was a huge success and raised $3259.35 that will go to the maintenance of the Hall. The Committee is investigating upgrading of the toilets by way of tiling, installing some secure storage and removing a possum or two from the roof.

Thankyou to the prize donors, congratulations to the winners and a heartfelt thanks to all those who contributed to the success of a memorable  event and Launch of the Threatened Species Last Stand on the Coal Point peninsula project.

Raffle Prizes
Travel bag and voucher from Harvey World Travel, Toronto won by Noel & Janette Taylor
BBQ from Bunnings - Glendale won by Barbara Lawrenson
Meal voucher from Royal Motor Yacht Club Bistro won by June Friend

Auction Donations
Painting by June Friend won by Jill Manton
Quilt from Toronto Sew Easy won by Debbie Dennis
Art lessons from The Arts Emporium won by Brian Manton

Lucky Door Prize
Painting by June Friend won by Bronwen Tyler

Thank you to Greg Piper MP, Paul Campbell of LJ Hooker, Toronto, Wangi Lions, Arts & Craft Committee (Carolyn Thornely, Anne Skillicorn, Judy Cummings, Hugh Cross, Alan Caldwell, Barbara Lawrenson), and all the volunteers who made the event so successful.   Thanks also to Florence Humphreys, Stephen Cassettari, Geoff Davis and Jean Hurley for demonstrating their craft.