Friday 28 August 2015

Neighbours Noticing Nature

Have you noticed there don’t seem to be as many possums about lately? 

That was certainly the verdict of Dr Chris McLean after the Squirrel Glider Spotlighting session. Only one brushtail possum was sighted but, from two different angles, and not much else. Another exploratory session on the eastern end of Coal Point around Stansfield and Threlkeld Reserves was a similar situation, 2 hours of searching and only 2 possums.

There are a couple of suggestions about the reasons for the absence. The April storms felling lots of habitat trees or the new neighbour…a Powerful Owl on the prowl which has taken up residence on the West ridge. This is indeed exciting news for the Powerful Owl enthusiasts. They eat a possum a night and have also be known to sup on lorikeets and other birds. These new residents are the top of the food chain. So if your possums appear to be tip toeing rather than tap dancing these days they’ve probably head about the new neighbour.

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