Sunday, 28 February 2016

Draft Plan for Growing Hunter City...still time to comment

On 24/2/16 an extension to lodge comments was granted by the Dept of Planing & Environment until the 24/3/16.

The Progress Associaiton has lodged a submission on one of the plans...

On behalf of the  Coal Point Progress Association I would like to make the following comments on the Draft Plan for Growing Hunter City

Action 1.1.1
I express support for the Glendale –(Lake Macquarie) Transport interchange and a bicycle network that links effectively to it particularly from the western suburbs of Lake Macquarie, especially from Toronto.
I support the strategic centres on the understanding that transport infrastructure to them needs to be efficient, especially around Glendale and Charlestown.

Action 1.2.1
In identifying new housing opportunities in-fill should not compromise habitat corridor linkages that underpin the character and nature of the community. Strategic retention is vital at this point if species movement is to be supported in the long term.

Action 1.2.2
An assessment criteria should also include the habitat connectivity that needs to be retained in new developments.

Action 1.3.1 
I applaud the approach that gives priority to public transport, walking and cycling connections to key destinations and open space; and connections between strategic centres and transport gateways.

Action 1.4.3 
I commend the commitment to Hunter City’s Green Grid. For residents in the Northern Lake Macquarie District the natural features are core lifestyle values. To retain this focus the Green Grid plan need to be prioritised so that in-fill proposals do not compromise them.

Action 1.5.1
The undeveloped resource potential in the Northern Lake Macquarie District and in the surrounding hinterlands at Southern Lake Macquarie, should be remain undeveloped and instead become an economic tourist asset or biodiversity offset area through the development of the Awaba Conservation Area. This area is within 5km of Toronto- Morisset townships. I object to mining operations within such close proximity to the Hunter City and in the Hunter City Hinterland

In reference to the Northern Lake Macquarie District

I commend the acknowledgement that “ new development will build on the district’s existing strengths and provide opportunities to restore environmental values so that communities can adapt to changing environmental factors.”
It is imperative to protect and enhance the natural assets now in order to retain their functionality into the future
Action 3.1.1
I support improved public transport efficiency by protecting the capacity of corridors linking northern Lake Macquarie existing urban centres to strategic centres across Hunter City including Lake Road between Toronto and Glendale

The installation of pedestrian infrastructure, footpath and/or shared pathways should be a basic requirement of all established suburbs to support local pedestrian movement.  It is unacceptable to have no plans for footpathing into the foreseeable future for smaller communities especially around Toronto.

Action 6.1.1

I support the approach to work with councils to identify preferred habitat corridors and priorities for investing in conservation to sustain habitat connectivity across this area;

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Progress Patter

Don’t worry you haven’t missed a Chronicle, this is the first one for the year after the summer hiatus and already things are happening, have happened and will continue to happen with autumnal enthusiasm.

There’s so much to share that additional information can be read on the website, petitions signed, donations made and pictures perused.

It’s an exciting year ahead for the CPPA with the hall getting a substantial sustainable makeover, the Annual General Meeting coming up in April and another year of the Threatened Species project with more landcaring, nestboxing and Backyard Habitat Health Assessments on offer.

Monday 11th April is the date for the Annual General Meeting of the Progress Association. All positions will be declared vacant. The current committee would greatly benefit from a few more minds and all skill sets are appreciated. If you’d like to discuss what’s involved please contact Suzanne.

Hopefully you’ve received your membership renewal for 2016. Thankyou for your ongoing support of the Progress Association. If you’d like to join, contact the Treasurer- John Gill and he’ll sort out a subscription for you and/or your family for as little as $8/individual or $13/family.

Dates for the Diary

There's lots to do if you want to get out and about with like-minded people, here's a few ideas.

  • Sunday 28th February- Paddlefest- 10 years of festive paddling hosted by the Rotary Club Toronto Sunrise –Speers Point Park
  • Sunday 28th February- Comments of the Draft Hunter Regional Plan are due
  • Tuesday 1st and 15th March, 9am-11:30am- Searching for seed around Coal Point
  • Thursday 3rd March, 3-8:30pm – Twilight markets at the Toronto Foreshore...with music
  • Sunday 6th March, from 9-11am– Clean Up Australia Day- Fastfood Tossers can be Binners- Meet at McDonalds to register
  • Monday 7th March 4-6pm Coal Point Progress Committee meeting @ Progress Hall
  • Wednesday 9th March- 5:00-6:30pm- Toronto Area Sustainable Neighbourhood Group Meeting @ The Hub, 97 The Boulevarde
  • Wednesday 16th March 6:15pm- How to reduce your power bills and carbon footprint- Toronto Workers Club Auditorium
  • Wednesday March 23rd 10-noon- Tips to design your native garden- Cardiff library.
  • Sunday 27th March Neighbour Day- Whenever and wherever you want

Online Input

There’s lots of ways to make your voice heard, your views known or support a cause.

Some of the online activities about at the moment include:

Still Searching for Seed

Have you ever wondered what the weird bump on your bush was? Chances are it was the seed forming. Summer is the time for seed collecting, a time when an amazing variety of strategies for dispersal become apparent and another element of beauty in the bush becomes obvious.

On the 1st and 15th March seed searching sessions will be held around Coal Point under the guidance of Trish Barker from Trees In Newcastle. The outings run from about 9-11.30 am and are a great opportunity to expand your botany and see the bushland through seedy eyes. If you’d like to come along contact Suzanne through Progress email, facebook or phone.Some images of the beautiful local seeds have been captured by John Sharples recently and can be viewed on the website and facebook pages.

Fastfood Tossers can be Binners too

Toronto Area Sustainable Neighbourhood Group News

This Clean Up Australia Day, Sunday 6th March, from 9-11am the local waste warriors will be hitting the roads with their gloves on and nifty-nabbers in hand to clean up the rubbish generated by local fast food consumers.

The target locations will be around McDonalds, The Greenway to Cook St, areas around Renwick St and Day St, right down Cary St/Anzac parade/ Main Rd to Toronto Lions Park.

Fast food waste is generally located the distance away from the outlet it takes to consume the product, unfortunately this is usually pretty close to the lake and any rubbish not binned ends up in the storm-water system and then floating off into The Lake, impacting on the bird and fish life.

The Fastfood Tossers Can Be Binners campaign will be officially launched on Clean Up Australia Day at McDonalds with a short ceremony at 9 am to recognize the efforts to date including

  •        the commissioned artwork from Toronto High School Students which is currently being installed around the town centre to raise awareness,
  •       the months of monitoring and ‘cleaning up’ of the road from Toronto to Teralba to get some baseline data of the tossing habits of the fastfood consumers, and
  •       the negotiations with the local fast food outlets, all but one, who have been supportive of the Tossers can Be Binners initiative.

Everyone is welcome to attend, there’ll be some gifts for those that give time, a few speeches, a Clean Up and then an overwhelming sense of satisfaction. Bring a hat, good shoes, some water to drink! Meet at Maccas at 9am.