Sunday, 14 April 2024

O where O where has the Chronicle been?

Dear locals,

It has been a while since the Chronicle has graced your letter/in-boxes and it’s not been through want of trying.

A series of circumstances over the past six months has made time, energy and capacity in very short supply for this volunteer editor. The Easter long weekend has provided a window of opportunity to review,renew and meet the CPPA’s commitment to community communication.

This newsletter is available to share local information. If you or your community/social group have something you’d like to share, email and together we can continue to have a conversation about the goings on in our community.

Regards Suzanne P, CPPA President-Secretary and Chronicle editor

Dates for Doing

CPPA meeting 2nd Monday of the month
3:30-5pm Progress Hall or online

TASNG meeting
2nd Wednesday of the month
5-6:30 The Hub, 97 The Boulevarde.
All Welcome.

Tools & techniques provided
Morning tea at 10am

11/4 - Stansfield

18/4 - Punti Creek Reserve

25/4 - Stansfield- ANZAC Day

2 / 5 - Punti Creek Reserve

9 /5 -Hampton Street Link

16 /5 - West Ridge

Crocodile Point
1st &3rd Wed
8:30-10am. Meet under the Fennel Bay bridge

Want to join Us?
If you would like to receive weekly emails about where we are landcaring and what we will be doing? email

The Unforgettables Choir

An inclusive choir for people living with Dementia, using the power of music to re-awaken memories and holistically improve well-being.

Saturdays 2-4pm (during school terms).

Led by a registered music therapist.

Free to join.

No prior musical experience required.

Partners and carers welcome.

Afternoon tea provided.

Newcastle Conservatorium of Music.


P: 4921 8900

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